Chief Daniel O'Connell
30 Mount Vernon St. Winchester MA 01890
(781)729-1212 / 911
Posted By Winchester Police on November 1st, 2022

The Winter Parking Ban is an effect.  Vehicles parked on the street between 1:00 AM and 7:00 AM are subject to fines.  Any vehicles parked on the street during a snow emergency may be fined and towed. For residents who live in or around the center of town, vehicles can be parked, overnight, in the […]


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Criminal Harassment / Anti-Bullying

Posted By Winchester Police on July 2nd, 2010

Massachusetts recently enacted a law which assists victims of harassment.  The law, Chapter 258E, allows victims to obtain Harassment Prevention Orders (HPO) against their harasser.  HPOs are similar to  209A Abuse Prevention Orders; however, they may be obtained by anyone and not just those who are in certain types of relationships.  Harassment Prevention Orders can be a useful tool against chronic bullying.  If you are a victim of harassment, contact Winchester Police.

The basis for Harassment Prevention Orders is as follows:

  • Three acts of intimidation, abuse or property damage that are willful and malicious conduct, aimed at a specific person with the intent to cause fear, intimidation, abuse or damage to property and which does result in fear, intimidation, abuse, or damage to property; or
  • Involuntary sexual relations. A forceful or threatening act that causes another to involuntarily engage in sexual relations; or
  • Specific crimes. A violation of the crime of indecent A&B on a child under 14 or on a person 15 and over or A&B or indecent A&B on a person with mental retardation; or rape, rape of a child, statutory rape; or assault with intent to rape; or stalking or criminal harassment; or drugging to engage in intercourse.

Components of Harassment Protection Orders:

  • Refrain from abusing or harassing the plaintiff.
  • No contact (unless authorized by the court).
  • Remain away from the plaintiff’s household or workplace.
  • Pay compensation for any losses suffered as a direct result
    of the harassment (e.g., loss of earnings, property damage,
    replacing locks, medical expenses, obtaining an unlisted phone
    number and reasonable attorney’s fees).

Change in OUI laws

Posted By Winchester Police on June 3rd, 2010

Melanie’s Law – Massachusetts OUI Law (2005)

Jail: Not more than 2 1/2 years House of Correction
Fine: $500-$5,000
License suspended for 1 year.

Jail: Not less than 60 days (30 day mandatory), not more then 2 1/2 years
Fine: $600-$10,000

License suspended for 2 years

THIRD OFFENSE (felony status)
Jail: Not less than 180 days (150 day mandatory), not more than 5 years State Prison
May be served in a prison treatment program
Fine $1,000-$15,000
License suspended for 8 years

FOURTH OFFENSE (felony status)
Jail: Not less than 2 years (1 year minimum mandatory), not more than 5 years State Prison
Fine $1,500-$25,000
License suspended for 10 years.

FIFTH OFFENSE (felony status)
Jail: Not less than 2 1/2 years (24 mos. minimum mandatory), not more than 5 years State Prison
Fine $2,000-$50,000
License revoked for life.