Chief Daniel O'Connell
30 Mount Vernon St. Winchester MA 01890
(781)729-1212 / 911
Posted By Winchester Police on November 1st, 2022

The Winter Parking Ban is an effect.  Vehicles parked on the street between 1:00 AM and 7:00 AM are subject to fines.  Any vehicles parked on the street during a snow emergency may be fined and towed. For residents who live in or around the center of town, vehicles can be parked, overnight, in the […]


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Important Information From Animal Control

Posted By Winchester Police on May 8th, 2023

With spring weather here, WPD Animal Control Officer Ed O’Connell would like to share general and safety information on the most common animals we can encounter in Winchester.  Below are several links to help you learn about better understand  some of our local wildlife.

Living with Coyotes

Living with Raccoons

Living with Turkeys

Living with Bats

Living with Foxes

Moving Wildlife

Animal Control Information

Posted By Winchester Police on May 23rd, 2022

With the arrival of warm weather, our animal control officer receives more questions about resident interaction with animals.  Below are some links to information to help you understand some of the more common animals seen in Winchester.

Living with Coyotes

Living with Raccoons

Living with Turkeys

Living with Bats

Winchester Leash Law Reminder

Posted By Winchester Police on May 6th, 2022

Chapter 10

Section 1. PROHIBITION AGAINST UNLEASHED DOGS No person keeping, owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of any dog shall cause, permit, suffer or allow the dog to stray, run, be or go in any manner at large in or upon any public street, way, sidewalk, school yard or grounds, park, or private property of others without the express consent of the owner of such private property, except such dog that may be under control by means of a chain or leash, not longer than six feet in length.

Section 2. AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF DOG OFFICER Any dog found to be at large in violation of this bylaw shall be caught and confined by the dog officer, who shall notify forthwith the licensed owner or keeper of said dog. The owner or keeper of said dog shall have ten days from receipt of notice thereof to reclaim said dog from the dog officer. Return of the dog to the licensed owner or keeper shall be dependent on admission of ownership or the keeping of the dog, the assumption of responsibility thereof, and the payment of any fee or charges due for such confinement as provided by this bylaw.


For the full By-Law, see the attached PDF below.

Winchester Leash Law

Letter From Chief MacDonnell

Posted By Winchester Police on June 3rd, 2020


chief letter


June 2, 2020

I, as well as Police Chiefs across Massachusetts and the nation, denounce the egregious and criminal actions and inactions taken by four members of the Minneapolis Police Department that resulted in the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd. Nowhere in police training are the actions of these officers taught or contained in police policy manuals. These actions stand out in stark contrast to the values and standards of conduct that we at the Winchester Police Department embrace.

This current tragedy is not representative of the professional conduct, democratic policing and procedural justice that is demonstrated by the vast majority of police officers throughout this state and nation on a daily basis. The officer directly responsible for the death of George Floyd has been arrested, charged with a homicide and sent to prison. Three other Minneapolis officers have been terminated and are likely to also face criminal charges related to the death of George Floyd. Let me be clear, there is no excuse or justification for the actions of the Minneapolis Police officers who are responsible for George Floyd’s death.

Our core values as individuals and as a nation must include being accountable and taking responsibility for our actions. It has been my experience and observation that our individual choices and decisions, actions and inactions, have, by far, the most significant and certain impact on our success and outcome as individuals and as a nation. Far too little attention has been paid to this in the media, across dinner tables, and in community conversations. All Americans are entitled to equal justice under the law, and no person should ever be deprived of opportunity or put in danger because of their race or ethnicity.

All Americans across this nation have a constitutional right to protest peacefully to bring about positive change. It is unfortunate and disheartening that some individuals have used this tragedy to justify and engage in the burning and looting of buildings, property and businesses and also to justify felonious attacks on police officers throughout the nation. We can be better as individuals and as a nation.


Sincerely, Chief Peter MacDonnell

Interface Mental Health Referral Helpline

Posted By Winchester Police on May 16th, 2020

Do you or someone you love need help finding  mental health services?

Call 888-244-6843

Interface Mental Health Referral Helpline for Winchester Residents.  Confidential and free.

Interface Mental Health Referral Helpline connects Winchester Residents with mental health resources.  The free and confidential service will match your need.

  • Need
  • Insurance.
  • Schedule
  • Location

Monday thru Friday, 9AM – 5PM

Sponsored by the Winchester Coalition for a Safer Community with support from the John and Mary Murphy Foundation and En Ka Society and Winchester Hospital.

William James College Referral Service  https://interface.williamjames.edu/community/winchester

Keeping it Simple, COVID-19

Posted By Winchester Police on March 23rd, 2020


Thanks to Malden PD for the image.

Updated LTC Guidance: Suspension of Operations During COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted By Winchester Police on March 17th, 2020

Below is information regarding the application and renewal of firearms license to carry (LTC) procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We appreciate your cooperation.

 All applicants are instructed to mail in their new or renewal applications.

  • Include a check for the application fee along with the application.  Processing will not be initiated without the appropriate fee included.
  • Applications are available on the FRB website here: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-a-firearms-license.
  • For new applicants, Winchester PD is temporarily delaying the in-person portion of the licensing process including interviews, fingerprinting and photographs in order to comply with the Governor’s social distancing guidelines.
  • If you apply for a renewal prior to the expiration of their license (and who get a receipt acknowledging so), your license will remain valid until the agency approves or denies it. As a result, delaying the in-person portion of the licensing process will not prejudice these licensees.
  • If you apply for renewal after the expiration of their LTC, c.140, sec.131(i) states that for the purposes of c.269. sec.10 an LTC shall be deemed valid for a period not to exceed 90 days beyond the expiration date unless the LTC is revoked. Note this provision applies only to LTC and not FID Cards.

Tax Season and Fraud

Posted By Winchester Police on February 27th, 2020

With tax season upon us, The Winchester Police Department would like to remind residents to be extra vigilant when it comes to identity theft and fraud. Remember, The IRS, FBI, Social Security Administration,  sheriff’s departments, local police departments or any other government agency will NEVER ask you to pay fines or taxes with Home Depot or iTunes or ANY other gift card.  Nor will they ask you to purchase MoneyGrams or by wire funds via Western Union.

Most banks and corporations will not call you and ask you to provide them with your Social Security number, though some institutions may ask you to confirm only the last 4 digits of it.  Your bank will not call you and request you to give them your account information.  If it really is your bank calling you, they will already have that  information.   If you receive such a call from any company or government agency, ask the caller for a reference number and then call them back with a phone number you locate on your own and can confirm is legitimate.  Don’t use the number the caller provided you unless you have independently confirmed it is a legitimate number.

Most  government agencies and private businesses have websites that will provide legitimate ways of contacting them.    Legitimate institutions are aware that this type of fraud exists.  If they are trying to reach you, they will understand if you tell them you will call back after doing your due diligence.

Most importantly, if something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t!  Go with your instinct!  Below, find a link to some resources to assist you in protecting yourself and helping you if you do become a victim.

Internet Fraud

Identity Theft




Critical Incident Management System

Posted By Winchester Police on December 16th, 2019

The Winchester Police Department plans on taking part in Critical Incident Management System (CIMS) training as developed by Kelley Research Associates.

CIMS is a software product developed to support countywide police led programs intending to document all overdose incidents within county jurisdictions, document all outreach attempts to individuals who have overdosed or are at-risk for overdose, and facilitate the transition of those experiencing drug overdoses to treatment. The system was developed with several core principals in mind:

➢ Only collect the necessary and critical project related data

➢ Make data entry user-friendly, quick, and easy

➢ Provide agencies with real time access to some of their most important data

➢ Effortlessly share data between jurisdictions

CIMS removes many of the barriers that traditionally hamper effective, collaborative law enforcement responses. It was developed by police, for police.

CIMS Key Functionality CIMS integrates critical functionality that allows law enforcement agencies to implement more effective crime solutions and facilitates “better policing,” including:

➢ Data sharing: CIMS creates near real-time data sharing across law enforcement agencies that traditional records management systems does not allow.

➢ Collaborative Crime Responses: This real-time data sharing supports collaborative police responses to events, like overdoses, which are often multijurisdictional problems. That is, a notable percentage of events involve individuals who participate in problem behaviors in communities other than where they reside.

➢ Communication with Non-Traditional Partners: Some of the most effective approaches to the issues today’s law enforcement agencies confront may involve non-traditional community partners such as hospitals, treatment providers, or schools. CIMS facilitates more effective partnerships via an integrated communication portal.

➢ Real-time Reporting: Law enforcement are on the front lines of most community problems. Administrators need real-time access to data about the prevalence of problems, and impact of community-based solutions. CIMS has integrated real-time reporting tools.


Information Regarding Coyotes

Posted By Winchester Police on May 15th, 2019

There are coyotes in Winchester. We occasionally have residents call when they see a coyote in their neighborhood or when out and about. This is not unusual.  Residents should be aware that coyotes will view some pets as prey and as a food source. This is normal behavior.  Coyotes are generally nocturnal but seeing them during the daytime does not mean that they are sick or will become aggressive. Residents should NOT feed coyotes.  Normally a coyote will be scared away by the presence of a human.  This is also normal behavior. Coyote attacks on humans are very rare.  Coyotes can contract and carry rabies. If a resident observes an unhealthy looking coyote or a coyote acting strangely or aggressively, they should stay away and contact the police immediately.