The Winter Parking Ban is an effect. Vehicles parked on the street between 1:00 AM and 7:00 AM are subject to fines. Any vehicles parked on the street during a snow emergency may be fined and towed. For residents who live in or around the center of town, vehicles can be parked, overnight, in the […]
Honey Bee Swarms
The Middlesex County Beekeepers Association would like the public to be aware of honey-bee swarms. If you encounter a swarm on your property or in your neighborhood, they recommend you contact the association’s swarm coordinator, Alexandra Bartsch at 781-630-1129 (cell or text) .
Before you contact the swarm coordinator please make sure you can answer the following questions:
1. Confirm that these are Honeybees! Please follow this link: What’s Buzzin’
2. Location (address, tree, or in a house/wall, how high up? Are ladders or other equipment needed?
3. How large is the swarm (melon, football, basketball)?
4. How long has it been there since it was noticed?
5. Contact information? The swarm coordinator will coordinate with an interested member who will need to contact you directly.
Exterminators will not kill honeybees and often refer homeowners to find a beekeeper. Conversely, beekeepers are not exterminators and will not remove other insects. Please make sure they are honey-bees and THANK YOU for your interest in helping this important pollinator.